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Titre : w10 v140v fails at step 2
Auteur : Rick Drolet
Date :16/04/2023 16:23
Upgraded from the working x32 1.40i to the new x64 1.40v. This fails at 'Step 2/32 Copying documents'. I even left this running for more than 40 mins but still not working.

The W10 Task Manager shows as Not Responding yet I see as much as ~8% CPU time, but not steady. The memory varies from 371.3mb to 462mb; mostly 371.3.

Unfortunately, the previous 1.40i will not run, and no error messages are displayed.

Is there a way to unload the 140v? There does not appear to be an Uninstall in the Apps & Features.


Titre : Update: 140v
Auteur : Rick Drolet
Date :16/04/2023 18:39
After 2 hours it had advanced to step 11 but still seemed not to complete.

Win10, 12gb mem; ~36k items/people

Titre : Update 2: 140v
Auteur : rick drolet
Date :16/04/2023 21:14
HTML generation
W10 did restart and reload app. After about 2.5 hrs it did complete!

There is an issue here, but did exist in the 140i that I had not reported. Perhaps this is due to some setting that I have not found.

When clicking on a person that has media, and the media itself is not selected, the previewed image seems to be at maximum magnification. Clicking on the media presents normal magnification and all is well.

Can anyone venture to guess as to why this occurs?

Titre : 1.40v media magnified
Auteur : Rick Drolet
Date :04/05/2023 18:28
HTML generation

When clicking on a person that has media, and the media itself is not selected, the previewed image seems to be at maximum magnification. Clicking on the media presents normal magnification and all is well.

This was ok in 1.40i

Can anyone venture to guess as to why this occurs? Is there a setting that was missed?

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